"Landlord should be "tarred and feathered""
A 1975 article from The Irish People on poor housing conditions in Carlow.
The Irish People was the newspaper of Official Sinn Féin and then The Workers' Party, from the 1970s to 90s.
Full issue here: https://www.leftarchive.ie/document/2967/
#Ireland #Politics #History #Housing #OfficialSinnFéin #IrishLeftArchive
The Irish People, Vol. 3, No. 25 (1975) — Sinn Féin [Official]
Irish Left Archive[>
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Scanned article transcription
Here's the full article text for anyone whose platform limits the length of alt text:
Landlord should be "tarred and feathered"
He should be "tarred and feathered" Carlow Urban Councillor, Mr. Michael Byrne, said of one Carlow landlord when he finished inspecting a flat which was being rented out to a young married couple in the town. As a lesser deterrent Carlow Urban Council has decided to introduce bye-laws covering the conditions of rented accommodation in the town and containing penalties for noncompliance, including possible closure. The decision in principle was taken by the Council on 26 August and the September meeting is to discuss the enactment of bye-laws more fully.
The motion to introduce housing bye-laws was proposed by Counclllor Byrne who told colleagues on the Council that conditions in some of the flats rented by one particular landlord had made him "literally sick" and were not fit for a dog. Such conditions were a serious indictment of public representatives, he said.
A tour by Urban Councillors around flats in the town brought to light shocking cases of extortionate rents for insanitary, often rat-infested, accommodation.
In one case, a group of flats, the sewer (open) was covered over by a flagstone.
Couples were living in danger of contracting disease carried by rat infestation. One child had dermatitis which could not be cured while living in its present home and another had been in hospital with gastro-enteritis on a number of occasions. Yet again, children had had to be hustled out of a building to avoid the rats in a flat which also used to chew their clothing.
One flat was so bad that the tenants were recommended for emergency rehousing; in another the tenants' ESB bill, averaging £2-£3, had been upped to £21 odd because, they were told, the ground rent was included!
Under the 1966 Housing Act local authorities are empowered to introduce bye-laws setting out minimum standards of ventilation, lighting, heating, sanitary facilities, food storage etc. In rented accommodation. Councils, however, are not allowed to regulate the rents charged for flats.