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New document:

Advance, November—December 1976.

Advance was published by the Socialist Party of Ireland (SPI) in the 1970s.

The SPI went on to form the Democratic Socialist Party in 1982, along with the Limerick Socialist Organisation.

Advance, No. 24 (1976) — Socialist Party of Ireland [1970]

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New document:

"The Coffee Circle Papers: Postscript - Times Change"

The Coffee Circle Papers were a series of discussion papers in Democratic Left in 1998/99. This postscript was written by Rosheen Callender after their 1999 merger with Labour.

The Coffee Circle Papers: Postscript - Times Change (1999) — Democratic Left, Labour

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9th October 1968, People's Democracy was formed in Belfast, in the wake of the RUC assault on a civil rights march in Derry and subsequent rioting.

On This Day, 9th October

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"Lebanon – Irish Deaths. Who is Responsible?"

Forward, magazine of the Connolly Youth Movement (CYM), on the 1980 attack on Irish peacekeeping troops in Lebanon by the Israel-backed South Lebanon Army.

The CYM was the youth wing of the Communist Party of Ireland (CPI), but split from them in 2021.

Forward [1980] (1980) — Connolly Youth Movement

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5th October 1968, a civil rights march in Derry was stopped by the RUC at its starting point in the Waterside and marchers were attacked with batons. The march is often cited as the start of the "Troubles".

On This Day, 5th October

Irish Left Archive

A black-and-white image of a Derry street with several RUC men with riot shields and various debris. (Taken from a 1988 issue of Socialist Worker.)
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26th September 1931, the founding conference of Saor Éire* was held. The “organisation of workers and working farmers” was established by the left-leaning and communist wing of the IRA.

  • Not to be mistaken for the later "Saor Éire Action Group", active in the 1970s.

On This Day, 26th September

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🎙️ New episode of the Irish Left Archive Podcast:

Until We Fall: Long Distance Life on the Left, with Helena Sheehan

Irish Left Archive shared 26 days ago
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New document:

Resistance, No. 17, Spring 2013.

Resistance was published by the Irish Socialist Network (ISN).

Resistance, No. 17 (2013) — Irish Socialist Network

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A small update to our Timeline of the Irish Left today, to reflect the recent relaunch of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) as the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI) and the consequent renaming of the Irish section, the Revolutionary Communists of Ireland.

The timeline aims to show the history of left parties and organisations in Ireland. If you spot any errors or omissions or have any suggestions, please get in touch!


Timeline of the Irish Left

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A sticker with pictures of the ten Republicans who died in the 1980/1 hunger strikes, with the text: 40 Years on we remember the ten
Sticker reading End Direct Provision! Tá Domhain Eile i nDán Dúinn! Asylum seekers Welcome
A sticker reading Tír Gan Teanga, Tír Gan Anam with a profile of Pádraig Pearse, from whom the quote is taken.
A sticker reading Visit #TrackTheVultures Map @ and showing a Dublin map with markers indicating housing owned by vulture funds.
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New document:

"The Southern Bank Robbery"

Resistance, No. 11, Spring 2010.

Resistance was produced by the Irish Socialist Network (ISN).

Resistance, No. 11 (2010) — Irish Socialist Network

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Published , 27th August 1974:

An Analysis of the Significance of the Ulster Workers’ Strike, May 14th-30th, 1974

Published by the "Necessity for Change Institute of Anti-Imperialist Studies", part of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) (CPI(ML)).

An Analysis of the Significance of the Ulster Workers’ Strike, May 14th-30th, 1974 (1974) — Necessity for Change Institute of Anti-Imperialist Studies

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🎙️ New episode of the Irish Left Archive Podcast:

We talk to Dr. Marisa McGlinchey about her book, Unfinished Business: the politics of ‘dissident’ Irish republicanism.

You can follow the podcast on the Fediverse

Irish Left Archive shared a month ago