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4th June 2005, a demonstration was held against Israel’s occupation of Palestine during a soccer World Cup qualifying match between Ireland and Israel, which was taking place in Landsdown Road stadium in Dublin.

Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign leaflets from the event can be viewed on our website as part of the Snapshots of Political Action project:

Political Material from: Palestine Solidarity Demonstration During Ireland-Israel Soccer Match, 4th June 2005

Irish Left Archive

The flag of Palestine, printed on a folded out leaflet.
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14th May 2022, a rally was held outside the Dáil in Dublin calling for public ownership of the National Maternity Hospital without church involvement.

Documents distributed at the rally are on our site, as part of the Snapshots of Political Action project:

Political Material from: National Maternity Hospital Rally, 14th May 2022

Irish Left Archive

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🎙️ A new episode of the Irish Left Archive Podcast: We talk to activist and academic Camilla Fitzsimons about her research and activism, the Spectacle of Defiance & Hope, Repeal, and Academics for Palestine.

You can follow the podcast on the Fediverse

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The leaflets are part of our joint project with Irish Election Literature (, Snapshots of Political Action, which collects material distributed at marches, rallies and protests etc.

If you are at a protest in Ireland and gather any leaflets, we'd be delighted to include them; you can get in touch with us here or on the website.

Snapshots of Political Action — Demonstrations, Marches, Rallies and Protests in Ireland

Irish Left Archive

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22nd of October 2011:

A march was held in support of Occupy Dame Street, the Dublin incarnation of the wider Occupy movement. Here are leaflets collected at the march:

Political Material from: Occupy Dame Street March, 22nd October 2011

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

30th September 2017:

An march was held by the Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) in Dublin.

Leaflets from the protest are available on our site as part of our joint project with, Snapshots of Political Action.

Political Material from: Abortion Rights Campaign March, 30th September 2017

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive
A poster designed to look like a wrapped Christmas present with a label reading: Why is this home empty this Christmas
A poster reading: A vulture landlord owns these 268 homes, with an arrow pointing to the left and a cartoon image of a vulture.
A poster designed to look like a wrapped Christmas present with a label reading: All I want for Christmas is universal public housing
A poster with a cartoon image of a vulture in a red circle with a line through it. Around the circle is the text: Vulture Landlords Out! Out! Out! and the logo of Éirígí.
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

24th September 2022:

A march organised by the Cost of Living Coalition was held in Dublin. The Cost of Living Coalition includes several left parties, campaigns, trade union groups and independents, calling for a response to rising inflation and energy prices, and stagnating wages.

Leaflets from the march:

Political Material from: Cost of Living Crisis March, 24th September 2022

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

If you haven't heard it yet, in our latest episode we talk to artist, activist and researcher Emma Campbell about combining art and activism, Alliance for Choice and the campaign for abortion rights in Northern Ireland, her solo art work and the Array Collective, and winning the Turner Prize.

Follow the Irish Left Archive Podcast

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Irish Left Archive

In our latest podcast episode, we spoke to artist, activist and researcher, Emma Campbell, about combining art and activism, Alliance for Choice and the campaign for abortion rights in Northern Ireland, the Array Collective and winning the Turner Prize.

You can follow the podcast and comment on episodes

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Irish Left Archive
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

A rally was held outside Leinster House in Dublin 1st July 2015 in support of Greek opposition to austerity and the ‘No’ campaign in the 2015 Greek Bailout Referendum .

Political Material from: Greek Solidarity Rally, 1st July 2015

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

"Defence Tactics for Demonstrators"

A 1969 article from United Irishman, newspaper of Sinn Féin, outlines advice for protests and dealing with police.

One tip suggests: "Isolated policemen [are] to be well taken care of and are NOT to be molested apart from having their braces removed. A trousers ready to fall down is the best safeguard against further rioting by a policeman."

You can read the full article here:

The United Irishman, Vol. 23, No. 3 (1969) — Sinn Féin [Pre 1970]

Irish Left Archive

Scanned headline reading: Defence Tactics for Demonstrators
An illustration of a placard shield captioned: Shield-cum-placard of wallboard or plywood, with a hole or slot to see through.
Extract from a scanned newspaper article, reading: Unbroken Line

Marchers on the right of the parade should carry their placards on their right arms; those on the left on their left arms. During an attack from the side all marchers on the particular side should turn in
that direction; stand shoulder to shoulder and under no circumstances, repeat UNDER
NO CIRCUMSTANCES, allow the line to be broken. Where gaps do occur, they should be filled instantly. The responsibility to protect women and
children should outweigh all personal discomfort.
An illustration of two men in hats and overcoats holding placards on their side. One placard reads: Let there be no panic. The image is captioned: Flankers.
Extract from a scanned newspaper article, reading:

Points to note: 

1. Careful briefing of all stewards and marchers.

2. Use placard as shields as well as slogan carriers.

3. Always allow the police to start the trouble.

4. NEVER allow the marchers to start trouble.

5. AVOID confrontations.  Remember the parable of the incoming tide.

6. Always wear padded headgear and padded shoulders under a topcoat.

7. Never allow a line of defenders to be broken. To do so is fatal.

8. Policemen are not, repeat, NOT supermen.

9. There are only about 5,000 to 6,000 thousand policemen in the whole country. Many of the Dublin police have been on night duty and are not available for duty. Others are tied up on ordinary duties, and the total available for riot duty are less than half of the total. Many are too old for this kind of work and are left to “mind the house”.
Extract from a scanned newspaper article, reading:

10. If you have to, use pepper on police dogs. Or the “shake hands” as outlined above.

11. Use flat headed nails against squad cars and water cannons, but only when it's a matter of defence.

12. Careful reconnaissance of police barriers, and avoid them if at all possible.

13. Use as many routes as possible. This conceals the main march.

14. As many cameras as possible to be used.

15. “Number spotters” well organised. To be used in evidence later.

16. Isolated policemen to be well taken care of and are NOT to be molested apart from having their braces removed. A trousers ready to fall down is the best safeguard against  further rioting by a policeman.

Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

Last year, 18th June, a cost of living crisis rally was held in Dublin.

Material distributed included leaflets from Militant Left, People Before Profit, the Socialist Party, and the Irish branch of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE).

Political Material from: Cost of Living Crisis Rally, 18th June 2022

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

5th June 1982: March For Survival

Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament marched from Parnell Square to Stephen's Green in Dublin, calling for pressure on the Irish government's position on disarmament and Irish neutrality.

March for Survival (1982) — Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

A demonstration was held , 4th June 2005, against Israel’s occupation of Palestine during a soccer World Cup qualifying match between Ireland and Israel, which was taking place in Landsdown Road stadium.

Political Material from: Palestine Solidarity Demonstration During Ireland-Israel Soccer Match, 4th June 2005

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

Here's an overview of documents and material from campaigns for abortion and reproductive rights in Ireland since the 1970s:

Document Collection: Abortion and reproductive rights

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

The Dublin Anarchist Bookfair takes place tomorrow in the Teachers' Club.

In the latest Irish Left Archive Podcast episode, we spoke to Gregor Kerr about this year's fair and the history of the annual event:

Flyer for Dublin Anarchist Bookfair, Saturday 20 May, 10–6, Teachers Club, Dublin 1
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

The Dublin Anarchist Bookfair takes place this weekend, Saturday 20th May.

We spoke to Gregor Kerr about the bookfair in our most recent podcast episode:

Flyer for Dublin Anarchist Bookfair, Saturday 20 May, 10–6, Teachers Club, Dublin 1