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New document: Ireland, Austerity & The Water Tax.

A poster for a public meeting in London organised by Clann Éirígí, 2015.

Public Meeting: Ireland, Austerity & The Water Tax (2015) — Clann Éirígí

Irish Left Archive

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A sticker with pictures of the ten Republicans who died in the 1980/1 hunger strikes, with the text: 40 Years on we remember the ten
Sticker reading End Direct Provision! Tá Domhain Eile i nDán Dúinn! Asylum seekers Welcome
A sticker reading Tír Gan Teanga, Tír Gan Anam with a profile of Pádraig Pearse, from whom the quote is taken.
A sticker reading Visit #TrackTheVultures Map @ and showing a Dublin map with markers indicating housing owned by vulture funds.
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New document:

"Vote Leave" – 2016 Éirígí leaflet from the UK EU membership (Brexit) referendum.

Vote Leave (2016) — Éirígí

Irish Left Archive

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New additions to the collection:

Stickers from Éirígí campaigns.

Break the Connection With Capitalism:

Up Housing: Universal Public Housing:

Up Housing: Universal Public Housing (2022) — Éirígí

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive
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Irish Left Archive
A poster designed to look like a wrapped Christmas present with a label reading: Why is this home empty this Christmas
A poster reading: A vulture landlord owns these 268 homes, with an arrow pointing to the left and a cartoon image of a vulture.
A poster designed to look like a wrapped Christmas present with a label reading: All I want for Christmas is universal public housing
A poster with a cartoon image of a vulture in a red circle with a line through it. Around the circle is the text: Vulture Landlords Out! Out! Out! and the logo of Éirígí.
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Irish Left Archive
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Irish Left Archive

New document:

Public Talk: Éirígí – 15 Years On & The Fight For a New Republic

A poster for an Éirígí 15th anniversary event in 2021.

Public Talk: Éirígí – 15 Years On & The Fight For a New Republic (2021) — Éirígí

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive's avatar

New documents:

Some political ephemera from Éirígí.

First, voting cards from the 2022 Ard Fheis.

Ard Fheis Voting Card (2022) — Éirígí

Irish Left Archive

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🎙 New podcast episode!

We talk to Éirígí activist Mickey Moran about his experience of campaigning and organising on the left, his perspective on Republicanism and the development of his politics.

You can follow the podcast directly for updates, as well as subscribe to the feed in the usual apps. Thanks to Mickey for taking the time to talk to us!

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2/3 Ní Saoirse go Saoirse na mBan!

A sticker from Éirígí's 2018 abortion rights campaign during the referendum to repeal the eight amendment.

Ní Saoirse go Saoirse na mBan! (2018) — Éirígí

Irish Left Archive

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New stickers from Éirígí:

1/3 , 2021. Part of Éirígí's housing campaign highlighting corporate ownership of housing.

#TrackTheVultures (2021) — Éirígí

Irish Left Archive