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Published #OnThisDay, 27th August 1974:
An Analysis of the Significance of the Ulster Workers’ Strike, May 14th-30th, 1974
Published by the "Necessity for Change Institute of Anti-Imperialist Studies", part of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) (CPI(ML)).
#Ireland #Politics #History #CPIML #Maoism #UlsterWorkersCouncilStrike
Published #OnThisDay, 25th August 1969:
Barricades Bulletin, Special Edition
Barricades Bulletin was produced by the Young Socialists youth wing of the Derry Labour Party.
#OTD #Ireland #History #Politics #BarricadesBulletin #YoungSocialists #DerryLabourParty
Published #OnThisDay, 11th of August 1994:
"25 Years On – We Shall Overcome"
An Phoblacht, newspaper of Sinn Féin.
#OnThisDay, 9th of August 1971, internment was re-introduced in the North with a large wave of arrests and imprisonments in dawn raids. Aimed at weakening the IRA, 342 people were arrested in the initial action, all from Nationalist or Republican backgrounds. Several days of violence and protest followed immediately afterwards.
Published #OnThisDay 27th July 1974:
Workers Weekly, from the Workers' Association.
The Workers' Association was established in 1972 by the British & Irish Communist Organisation (BICO).
#OTD #Ireland #History #Politics #WorkersWeekly #WorkersAssociation #BICO
#OnThisDay 19th of July 1984, Mary Manning, a worker in Dunnes Stores, refused to handle fruit imported from South Africa in protest against apartheid, following a decision taken by IDATU members the previous day.
When suspended, she and other members of the IDATU union at the shop went on strike. The strike continued until April 1987 when the import of South African goods was banned.
#Ireland #Politics #History #Apartheid #DunnesStores #Strike
#OnThisDay 18th of July 1981, a march in support of the Hunger Strikers campaign, ongoing since March of that year, ended with violent clashes outside the British Embassy after a Garda baton-charge, in which more than 200 people were hurt.
Published #OnThisDay 13th July 1974:
"Call to Ulster Protestants"
Republican News, newspaper of Sinn Féin in the North.
Published #OnThisDay, 12th July 1981:
Rebel, journal of Revolutionary Struggle.
Published #OnThisDay 7th July 2007:
Unity, Vol. 19, No. 25.
From the Communist Party of Ireland.
Unity is a Belfast communist newspaper, originally started by the Communist Party of Northern Ireland (CPNI) and continued by the Communist Party of Ireland (CPI) after its re-formation, it is now the newspaper of the Irish Communist Party.
#Ireland #History #Politics #CommunistPartyOfIreland #IrishCommunistParty #Unity
Published #OnThisDay 7th July 1994:
"Peace needs end to British violence"
An Phoblacht Republican News, newspaper of Sinn Féin.
#Ireland #History #Politics #SinnFéin #AnPhoblacht #RepublicanNews
Published #OnThisDay
"Review of Anglo-Irish Agreement – Simply a review of its effectiveness in maintaining partition and foreign imperialist enslavement of Ireland".
Marxist-Leninist Weekly, Vol. 18, No. 18, from the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) (CPIML).
#Ireland #Politics #History #AngloIrishAgreement #CPIML #Maoism #MarxistLeninistWeekly
Published #OnThisDay 15th June 1969:
Squatter, No. 1, from the Dublin Housing Action Committee.
The DHAC was set up in 1967 by Sinn Féin and Left activists.
#Ireland #Politics #History #Housing #Squatter #HousingActionCommittee
#OnThisDay 12th of June 1982, the Socialist Labour Party (SLP) voted to dissolve.
Founded in 1977, the SLP sought to build a party of the Left, bringing together former Labour members and Left groups, which joined as tendencies — the Socialist Workers’ Movement (SWM), League for a Workers’ Republic, Irish Workers Group, and Movement for a Socialist Republic; though all left the SLP within a few years (with the SWM tendency leaving last in 1980).
#Ireland #Politics #History #SocialistLabourParty #Socialism #SWM #LWR #IWG #MSR
Published #OnThisDay 5th June 2021:
"Towards a Programme for Eco-Socialism" – the founding programme of An Rabharta Glas - Green Left.
An Rabharta Glas ( was set up by former Green party members as an eco-socialist party after the latter formed a coalition with FF and FG.
#OnThisDay 5th June 1982, the Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament had a "March For Survival" in Dublin.
#OnThisDay 4th June 2005, a demonstration was held against Israel’s occupation of Palestine during a soccer World Cup qualifying match between Ireland and Israel, which was taking place in Landsdown Road stadium in Dublin.
Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign leaflets from the event can be viewed on our website as part of the Snapshots of Political Action project:
#Ireland #Politics #Palestine #IPSC #SnapshotsOfPoliticalAction #Activism #Protest
Published #OnThisDay 28th May 1973:
"Revolutionary Nationalism, Class Struggle, and Problems of Party Building in Ireland"
An article by Gerry Foley on the Official Republican movement for Intercontinental Press, magazine of the Fourth International.
#Ireland #History #Politics #OTD #OfficialRepublicanism #IntercontinentalPress #FourthInternational
Published #OnThisDay: Workers' and Unemployed News, May 28th 1987
"All Working People Must Unite Against the Capitalist Offensive and Cut-Backs!"
From the Workers and Unemployed Movement.
#Ireland #History #Politics #OTD #WorkersAndUnemployedNews #WorkersAndUnemployedMovement
#OnThisDay in 1949, the Socialist Party of Ireland was founded:
On May 28th, 1949, a number of workers, representing Socialist Groups in Dublin and Belfast, met in Belfast and decided that the Groups should coalesce and form the Socialist Party of Ireland. That decision was subsequently ratified by the members of the Dublin and Belfast Groups; and so was born the first political party in Ireland to publicly and unequivocally declare its object to be the establishment of Socialism.
This Socialist Party of Ireland was associated with the SPGB and later became the World Socialist Party.
#Ireland #History #Politics #SocialistParty #WorldSocialism #SPGB #OTD