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Published 22nd March 1974:

"Step Back to to 1921 and Civil War?"

An Phoblacht, Vol. 4, No. 12. Newspaper of Sinn Féin.

An Phoblacht, Vol. 4, No. 12 (1974) — Sinn Féin

Irish Left Archive

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Published 19th March 1976:

The Bottom Dog, Vol. 3, No. 60.

The Bottom Dog was a Limerick-based newspaper, published from 1975 and subtitled “the working class paper of North Munster”.

The Bottom Dog, Vol. 3, No. 60 (1976)

Irish Left Archive

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12th March 2003: "Monster Meeting" - Crumlin Anti-Bin Tax Campaign

From the Anti-Bin Tax Campaign of the early 2000s in Dublin. The campaign led to the imprisonment of Socialist Party and Irish Socialist Network members. Waste collection was subsequently privatised.

Crumlin Anti-Bin Tax Campaign - Monster Meeting (2003)

Irish Left Archive

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"Why was Garland Shot?"

The Irish People, newspaper of Official Sinn Féin, , 7th March 1975.

Seán Garland was shot in an INLA assassination attempt. The INLA had split from the Official IRA months previously, resulting in a violent feud.

The Irish People, Vol. 3, No. 10 (1975) — Sinn Féin [Official]

Irish Left Archive

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The 1981 hunger strikes began on the 1st of March, when Bobby Sands began refusing food. A total of ten people died before the strike ended in October.

Contemporary documents from the National H-Block / Armagh Committee, People's Democracy, IRSP and others are in our collection here:

Event - Hunger Strikes, 1980/81

Irish Left Archive

Scanned text, reading: On Thursday 5th February seven weeks after the ending of a fifty-three day hunger-strike in the H-Blocks at Long Kesh, and a nineteen day hunger-strike by women prisoners at Armagh prison, a joint statement from both sets of prisoners was issued announcing another hunger-strike to begin on March 1st. The statement threatened that the prisoners would strike 'to death if necessary' to achieve recognition as political prisoners and a status in accord with that recognition.

The prisoners' statement ended weeks of speculation that a settlement to the four-and-a-half-year-long protest was possible and confirmed for the prisoners and their supporters that the British reneged on the hunger-strike settlements of December 18th last.
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, 22nd February 2014, a rally was held at the Spire in Dublin calling for an end to the US military’s use of Shannon Airport and the release of Margaretta D’Arcy, who was imprisoned for her refusal to sign a bond committing not to enter Shannon Airport as part of the campaign.

Political Material from: Free Margaretta D'Arcy, US Military Out of Shannon Rally, 22nd February 2014

Irish Left Archive

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22nd February 1992, Democratic Left was formed in a split from the Workers' Party.

Several members and six of the party’s TDs left the party and formed a new party led by Proinsias de Rossa. Initially called New Agenda, it was renamed Democratic Left at its founding conference the following month.

On This Day, 22nd February

Irish Left Archive

Democratic Left was formed after a split in the Workers' Party

At a Workers Party Ard Comhairle meeting on 22nd February 1992, several members and six of the party’s TDs left the party and formed a new party led by Proinsias de Rossa. Initially called New Agenda, it was renamed Democratic Left at its founding conference the following month.

Divisions in the party between more Marxist and social-democratic orientations had culminated in a special conference at which a motion for significant restructuring of the party — proposed by De Rossa (then party leader) and allies — was narrowly defeated.
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, 15th February 2003, 100,000 people marched in Dublin in opposition to the invasion of Iraq. The march was part of an international day of action against the war.

Leaflets distributed at the march are included in our Snapshots of Political Action project:

Snapshots of Political Action is a joint project from the Irish Left Archive and Irish Election Literature ( collating political material and ephemera from protest actions. If you're attending a rally or protest and pick up any leaflets, we'd love to include them!

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The Cork Communist Organisation was formed , 31st of January 1971, after resigning from the Irish Communist Organisation in response to their position on Republicanism. It later became the Cork Workers Club.

On This Day, 31st January

Irish Left Archive

Scanned text reading: After an existence of 11 months the Cork Branch of the ICO on 31 January, 1971 seceded from the Irish Communist Organisation (ICO) and reconstituted itself as the Cork Communist Organisation (CCO). The decision to secede from the ICO was unanimous and followed several weeks discussion by the members of the Cork Branch. The following pamphlet outlines the circumstances which led to the split. The ICO statement on the split, ‘Nationalist Disruption of the Communist Movement’ (Irish Communist, May 1971) is also commented on in Part One, as are their statements ; ‘Nationalist Slander’ (Communist Comment, 21 August, 1971) and ‘Nationalist Disruption 2’ (Irish Communist, October 1971) in Part Two.
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Bloody Sunday took place 53 years ago , 30th of January 1972 in Derry.

British soldiers shot 26 people during a civil rights march resulting in 14 deaths.

On This Day, 30th January

Irish Left Archive

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Published 23rd January 1976:

The Bottom Dog, Vol. 3, No. 57, "The working class paper of North Munster"

The Bottom Dog, Vol. 3, No. 57 (1976)

Irish Left Archive

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The Communist Organisation in the British Isles was formed , 1st of January 1974, in a split from the British and Irish Communist Organisation.

The foundation is outlined in the first issue of their journal, The Proletarian.

On This Day, 1st January

Irish Left Archive

Scanned text, reading:

What is the Communist Organisation in the British Isles?

The Communist Organisation in the British Isles was formed on 1 January 1974, in secession from the British and Irish Communist Organisation, now become revisionist.

The Communist Organisation

The Communist Organisation in the British Isles is a Marxist-Leninist collective. Its purpose is to think communist and to act communist, to create communists
and to elaborate communist practice in the working class of the British Isles. The Communist Organisation affirms its total commitment to the science of Marxism Leninism, the unity of communist theory and practice, the dictatorship of the proletariat and the hegemony of the proletarian world-outlook.
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Published , 19th December 1985:

Marxist-Leninist Weekly marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of The Internationalists, forerunner of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist).

Marxist-Leninist Weekly, 19th December 1985 (1985) — Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)

Irish Left Archive

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As this is the first National Congress of our party, it is the duty of the inaugural Central Committee to put on record the circumstances which gave rise to the founding of the party, and to report on its development and activity since that time.


The Socialist Party of Ireland was formed in Dublin on the 13th of December 1970.

The founding members appointed a Central Committee, which drew up a manifesto and a constitution. The manifesto announcing the formation of the party was published on the 19th January 1971.
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, the 8th of December 1974, the Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP) was formed at a meeting in Dublin by former members of Official Sinn Féin.

On This Day, 8th December

Irish Left Archive

The first issue of The Starry Plough announces the formation of the Irish Republican Socialist Party. April, 1975
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Published 5th December 1984:

Voice of Revolution (Marxist-Leninist Weekly), Vol. 8, No. 30

From the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist).

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3rd of December 1988, the Irish Anti-Extradition Committee held a march and rally in opposition to the extradition of prisoners to Britain.

From Snapshots of Political Action, a joint project with Irish Election Literature

Political Material from: Anti-Extradition March & Rally, 3rd December 1988

Irish Left Archive

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Leaflets distributed at the Raise the Roof housing march 26th of November 2022.

From Militant Left, People Before Profit, The Workers' Party, United Against Racism, and Éirígí.

Part of the Snapshots of Political Action project from Irish Election Literature and the Irish Left Archive, documenting protest and activism in Ireland.

Irish Election Literature

Irish Election Literature

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"Before you make up your mind…"

A leaflet from the Socialist Workers' Movement (SWM) during the referendums on access to abortion information and the right to travel, which took place , 25th of November 1992.

Before you make up your mind... (1992) — Socialist Workers' Movement

Irish Left Archive