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The 1981 hunger strikes began on the 1st of March, when Bobby Sands began refusing food. A total of ten people died before the strike ended in October.

Contemporary documents from the National H-Block / Armagh Committee, People's Democracy, IRSP and others are in our collection here:

Event - Hunger Strikes, 1980/81

Irish Left Archive

Scanned text, reading: On Thursday 5th February seven weeks after the ending of a fifty-three day hunger-strike in the H-Blocks at Long Kesh, and a nineteen day hunger-strike by women prisoners at Armagh prison, a joint statement from both sets of prisoners was issued announcing another hunger-strike to begin on March 1st. The statement threatened that the prisoners would strike 'to death if necessary' to achieve recognition as political prisoners and a status in accord with that recognition.

The prisoners' statement ended weeks of speculation that a settlement to the four-and-a-half-year-long protest was possible and confirmed for the prisoners and their supporters that the British reneged on the hunger-strike settlements of December 18th last.
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18th of July 1981, a march in support of the Hunger Strikers campaign, ongoing since March of that year, ended with violent clashes outside the British Embassy after a Garda baton-charge, in which more than 200 people were hurt.

On This Day, 18th July

Irish Left Archive

A clipping from an article, reading: On the 18th. July thousands of people from all over the country mobilised in Dublin for a march on the British Embassy in support of the Hunger Strickers [sic]. Before reaching the Embassy however, the marchers were stopped at Merrion Rd. by a wall of cops in riot gear, seceral [sic] rows deep. This strategy of confrontation and intimidation, meant to frighten people off the streets and deny them expression, was resisted by many brave comrades who tried to fight their way through. The cops held rank for fifteen minutes and then charged. Their violence and brutality as they ran riot, beating everyone in their path was pyscotic [sic].
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Irish Left Archive

Published , 13th October 1981:

Rebel, No. 46, on the end of the Republican hunger strikes.

Rebel was produced by Revolutionary Struggle in the late 1970s and early 80s.

Rebel, No. 46 (1981) — Revolutionary Struggle

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

Published 5th September 1981:

Armagh/H-Block News, from the Armagh/H-Block Action Group, associated with the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist).

Armagh/H-Block News, Vol 1. No. 3 (1981) — Armagh/H-Block Action Group

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

New document:

H-Block/Armagh News, Vol. 1, No. 6, 26th September 1981

Produced by the Armagh/H-Block Action Group, a campaign from the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) during the 1981 Hunger Strikes.

H-Block/Armagh News, Vol. 1, No. 6 (1981) — Armagh/H-Block Action Group

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

, 18th July 1981, a march in support of the Hunger Strikers campaign, ongoing since March of that year, ended with violent clashes outside the British Embassy after a Garda baton-charge, in which more than 200 people were hurt.

On This Day, 18th July

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

A few months ago, we spoke to Vincent Doherty on the Irish Left Archive Podcast about his political activism, including his work with the National H-Block / Armagh Committee and standing as a candidate in that 1981 election.

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Irish Left Archive

11th June 1981 a general election was held in Ireland, resulting in a minority Fine-Gael & Labour coalition government.

Several candidates stood for the Anti H-Block Committee, which supported the on-going Republican hunger strikes, with Paddy Agnew and Kieran Doherty elected.

Election - General Election, 1981

Irish Left Archive

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1st of March 1981, hunger strikes began when Bobby Sands started refusing food. A total of ten people died before the strike ended in October.

On This Day, 1st March

Irish Left Archive

Screen capture of part of a web page, reading:

The 1981 hunger strikes began on the 1st of March, when Bobby Sands began refusing food. A total of ten people died before the strike ended in October.

A February 1981 document from the National H-Block / Armagh Committee states:

"On Thursday 5th February seven weeks after the ending of a fifty-three day hunger-strike in the H-Blocks at Long Kesh, and a nineteen day hunger-strike by women prisoners at Armagh prison, a joint statement from both sets of prisoners was issued announcing another hunger-strike to begin on March 1st. The statement threatened that the prisoners would strike 'to death if necessary' to achieve recognition as political prisoners and a status in accord with that recognition.

The prisoners' statement ended weeks of speculation that a settlement to the four-and-a-half-year-long protest was possible and confirmed for the prisoners and their supporters that the British reneged on the hunger-strike settlements of December 18th last."
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New document:

"19 Arrests - Campaign Will Not Be Intimidated!"

Armagh/H-Block News, Vol. 1, No. 5, 19th September 1981, from the Armagh/H-Block Action Group.

Active during the 1980/1 Hunger Strikes, the group was associated with the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist).

Armagh/H-Block News, Vol. 1, No. 5 (1981) — Armagh/H-Block Action Group

Irish Left Archive

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