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The 1981 hunger strikes began on the 1st of March, when Bobby Sands began refusing food. A total of ten people died before the strike ended in October.
Contemporary documents from the National H-Block / Armagh Committee, People's Democracy, IRSP and others are in our collection here:
Event - Hunger Strikes, 1980/81
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay 18th of July 1981, a march in support of the Hunger Strikers campaign, ongoing since March of that year, ended with violent clashes outside the British Embassy after a Garda baton-charge, in which more than 200 people were hurt.
On This Day, 18th July
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay, 13th October 1981:
Rebel, No. 46, on the end of the Republican hunger strikes.
Rebel was produced by Revolutionary Struggle in the late 1970s and early 80s.
#OTD #IrishPolitics #History #Rebel #RevolutionaryStruggle #HungerStrikes
Rebel, No. 46 (1981) — Revolutionary Struggle
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 5th September 1981:
Armagh/H-Block News, from the Armagh/H-Block Action Group, associated with the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist).
Armagh/H-Block News, Vol 1. No. 3 (1981) — Armagh/H-Block Action Group
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
H-Block/Armagh News, Vol. 1, No. 6, 26th September 1981
Produced by the Armagh/H-Block Action Group, a campaign from the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) during the 1981 Hunger Strikes.
H-Block/Armagh News, Vol. 1, No. 6 (1981) — Armagh/H-Block Action Group
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay, 18th July 1981, a march in support of the Hunger Strikers campaign, ongoing since March of that year, ended with violent clashes outside the British Embassy after a Garda baton-charge, in which more than 200 people were hurt.
On This Day, 18th July
Irish Left Archive[>
A few months ago, we spoke to Vincent Doherty on the Irish Left Archive Podcast about his political activism, including his work with the National H-Block / Armagh Committee and standing as a candidate in that 1981 election.
#OnThisDay 11th June 1981 a general election was held in Ireland, resulting in a minority Fine-Gael & Labour coalition government.
Several candidates stood for the Anti H-Block Committee, which supported the on-going Republican hunger strikes, with Paddy Agnew and Kieran Doherty elected.
#OTD #IrishPolitics #IrishHistory #GeneralElection #HungerStrikes
Election - General Election, 1981
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay 1st of March 1981, hunger strikes began when Bobby Sands started refusing food. A total of ten people died before the strike ended in October.
On This Day, 1st March
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
"19 Arrests - Campaign Will Not Be Intimidated!"
Armagh/H-Block News, Vol. 1, No. 5, 19th September 1981, from the Armagh/H-Block Action Group.
Active during the 1980/1 Hunger Strikes, the group was associated with the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist).
#Ireland #Politics #History #HungerStrikes #CPIML #IrishLeftArchive
Armagh/H-Block News, Vol. 1, No. 5 (1981) — Armagh/H-Block Action Group
Irish Left Archive[>
You'll find Vincent's election leaflet as a Hunger Strikes candidate in the 1981 general election in the archive.
Make H-Block the Issue! Vote Doherty No. 1 (1981) — National H-Block / Armagh Committee
Irish Left Archive[>