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New document:

"Tomás Mac Giolla: Republican, Socialist, Internationalist"

Produced by the Workers' Party after former party President Mac Giolla's death in 2010.

Tomás Mac Giolla: Republican, Socialist, Internationalist (2010) — The Workers' Party

Irish Left Archive

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New document:

Hands Off Ireland!

Issue number three of the publication produced by the Revolutionary Communist Group in the UK in the 1970s.

Hands Off Ireland!, No. 3 (1977) — Revolutionary Communist Group

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Published 1st December 1976:

"Organise to defeat British imperialist aggression and plunder Organise to defeat the Irish monopoly capitalists north and south"

Red Patriot, Newsweekly of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)

Red Patriot, Vol. 5, No. 42-43 (1976) — Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)

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24th November 1995:

A referendum was passed to remove the prohibition on divorce from the Irish constitution.

Referendum - Divorce Referendum, 1995

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24th of November 1982, Nan Joyce became the first Traveller to stand in an Irish election.

This article provides some of the history and background to the Committee for the Rights of Travellers and Nan Joyce's campaign:

On This Day, 24th November

Irish Left Archive

Website screenshot reading: Nan Joyce became the first Traveller to stand in an Irish election

In the second 1982 general election, held on the 24th of November 1982, Nan Joyce stood as an independent candidate in Dublin South-West, becoming the first Traveller to do so. She polled 581 votes.

Joyce was co-chairperson of the Committee for the Rights of Travellers, which had been formed earlier that year. Among her policies was a call for full civil and human rights for all Travellers as full Irish citizens and a Minister to co-ordinate Traveller welfare provision in the country.

You can read an account of the Committee and the background to its formation in this article: Traveller Activism in the 1980s: The Committee for the Rights of Travellers and Mincéir Misli.
Related Pages

     Traveller Activism in the 1980s: The Committee for the Rights of Travellers and Mincéir Misli
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Scanned text reading: When the decision of the 82nd Ard-Fheis of Sinn Féin to recognise the Leinster House assembly was announced on 2nd November those who wished to defend the Republican position moved with speed.

They withdrew from the Dublin Mansion House in an orderly and dignified manner and walked down Dawson Street behind the flag of Clann na nGael, the Republican Scouts. The flag was carried by Nóirín Ní Liatháin. She had stood outside the Mansion House in full uniform and holding the flag throughout the Ard-Fheis. Beside her was 2 poster appealing to delegates to uphold the Republic.

In Dawson Street an announcement was made that a meeting would be held in the West County Hotel, Chapelizod.

Half an hour later the delegates had begun to re-assemble. By six o'clock there was a muster of over 130, accompanied by an eager national and international press corps of over 40. Ruairí Ó Brádaigh asked the media representatives to leave the room “until we decide who we are and what we are”. He had led the opposition to the recognition of Leinster House during the five-hour debate.
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Irish Left Archive
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Irish Left Archive

16th October 1968, a referendum to remove proportional representation in favour of majoritarianism was held in the Republic of Ireland.

The referendum was rejected by 60% of voters.

Below is a poster from the Labour party from the campaign.

A scan of a poster with red and black text on a white background, reading: WARNING!
The straight vote is crooked - so vote
This warning is issued by The Labour Party
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Irish Left Archive

14th of October 1967:

Labour party leader Brendan Corish delivered his "New Republic" speech, famously opening with “the seventies will be Socialist”.

On This Day, 14th October

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Scanned cover of the published edition of The New Republic. The text reads: Complete text of The New Republic address by Brendan Corish, T.D., Leader of the Labour Party. The cover features the starry plough on a blue background, positioned within a larger green rectangle.
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26th September 1931, the founding conference of Saor Éire began. The "organisation of workers and working farmers" was established by the left-leaning and communist wing of the IRA.

On This Day, 26th September

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Scanned black and white front cover page reading: Saor Éire – Draft Constitution and Rules, 1931
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Irish Left Archive

The first issue of Congress '86, magazine of the League of Communist Republicans (LCR).

The LCR, formed mostly by republican prisoners in the H-Blocks, split from the Provisional IRA and Sinn Féin in 1986.

Congress '86, No. 1 (1986) — League of Communist Republicans

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Irish Left Archive

Published 6th September 1974:

"British Spies Still at Work" "Cork Dockers Consider Action against Beef Fleet"

The Irish People, from Official Sinn Féin.

The Irish People, Vol. 2, No. 35 (1974) — Sinn Féin [Official]

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Irish Left Archive

Published 5th September 1981:

Armagh/H-Block News, from the Armagh/H-Block Action Group, associated with the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist).

Armagh/H-Block News, Vol 1. No. 3 (1981) — Armagh/H-Block Action Group

Irish Left Archive