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, 24th November 1995, the referendum to remove the prohibition of divorce in Ireland was narrowly won with 50.28% of the vote.

Referendum - Divorce Referendum, 1995

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

16th October 1968, a referendum to remove proportional representation in favour of majoritarianism was held in the Republic of Ireland.

The referendum was rejected by 60% of voters.

Below is a poster from the Labour party from the campaign.

A scan of a poster with red and black text on a white background, reading: WARNING!
The straight vote is crooked - so vote
This warning is issued by The Labour Party
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Irish Left Archive

If you're interested in the repeal campaign, we have also spoken to pro-choice activists involved on the Irish Left Archive Podcast (

In episode 10, we spoke to Ber Grogan about the Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) and the referendum:

Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

12th June 2008, the first Lisbon Treaty referendum was held.

The referendum was opposed by most left campaigns and parties, including Sinn Féin, The Socialist Party, People Before Profit, The Workers Party, PANA and the People's Movement.

Referendum - First Lisbon Treaty Referendum, 2008

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

11th June 2004, the Citizenship Referendum (27th amendment) was held and succeeded. The referendum removed the right to automatic Irish citizenship for people born in Ireland.

Proposed by the government coalition of Fianna Fáil and Progressive Democrats, and supported by Fine Gael, the amendment was opposed by parties on the left, the Human Rights Commission, and Council for Civil Liberties.

This contemporaneous pamphlet, by Kieran Allen for the Socialist Workers Party, addresses the arguments in favour and the anti-immigrant sentiment driving the campaign.

Citizenship and Racism: The Case against McDowell’s Referendum (2004) — Socialist Workers' Party

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

31st May 2012 a referendum was held in Ireland to ratify the European Fiscal Compact.

Here's a leaflet from the United Left Alliance opposing the referendum.

Factsheet: Why Vote No to the Austerity Treaty (2012) — United Left Alliance

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

26th May 1987, a referendum was held on the Single European Act. When passed, the act established the European Single Market.

Referendum - Single European Act Referendum, 1987

Irish Left Archive

Front page of Saoirse / Irish Freedom, issue no. 1, from Republican Sinn Féin, with the headline "Vote No"
Front cover of Referendum Retrospect: Who Now are the Men of Violence?, by Derry Kelleher
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

25th May 2018, the referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment to the Irish constitution was held. The vote to remove the block on provision of abortion services was passed with 66% voting yes.

Referendum - Repeal of the Eighth Amendment Referendum, 2018

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar

An illustration from Banshee, magazine of Irish Women United, from 1976.

Later this year, Ireland will have a referendum on gender equality, to remove references to "women in the home" and enshrine equality in the constitution.

An illustration of a balance scales with a man on one side and a woman on the other. A large hand is pushing the woman upwards to skew the balance. It is subtitled, "Women & The Constitution"