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New document:

"Vote Leave" – 2016 Éirígí leaflet from the UK EU membership (Brexit) referendum.

Vote Leave (2016) — Éirígí

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar

10th May 1972, Ireland voted in the European Communities Membership Referendum.

Documents from the referendum:

Referendum - European Communities Membership Referendum, 1972

Irish Left Archive

Scanned pamphlet cover reading: The Common Market: Yes or No! The Economic and Political Implications
A scanned poster reading: The Labour Party, Common Market NO
An issue of The Worker with the headline reading, EEC: Bosses' Answer
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Irish Left Archive
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

12th June 2008, the first Lisbon Treaty referendum was held.

The referendum was opposed by most left campaigns and parties, including Sinn Féin, The Socialist Party, People Before Profit, The Workers Party, PANA and the People's Movement.

Referendum - First Lisbon Treaty Referendum, 2008

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

31st May 2012 a referendum was held in Ireland to ratify the European Fiscal Compact.

Here's a leaflet from the United Left Alliance opposing the referendum.

Factsheet: Why Vote No to the Austerity Treaty (2012) — United Left Alliance

Irish Left Archive