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#OnThisDay, 25th of November 2010, the United Left Alliance (ULA) was announced.
The alliance of the Socialist Party, Socialist Workers' Party, Workers and Unemployed Action Group (WUAG) and independent leftists contested the 2011 general election, winning five seats.
Disagreements between the parties resulted in first the WUAG and then the SP withdrawing, leaving the alliance essentially defunct by 2013.
#IrishPolitics #SWP #SocialistParty #WUAG #UnitedLeftAlliance #OTD
On This Day, 25th November
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay 31st May 2012 a referendum was held in Ireland to ratify the European Fiscal Compact.
Here's a leaflet from the United Left Alliance opposing the referendum.
#IrishHistory #IrishPolitics #Referendum #EU #UnitedLeftAlliance
Factsheet: Why Vote No to the Austerity Treaty (2012) — United Left Alliance
Irish Left Archive[>