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New document:
Notes & Comments, Internal Newsletter of The Workers Party, August 1985
Notes & Comments, August 1985 (1985) — The Workers' Party
Irish Left Archive[>
"Before you make up your mind…"
A leaflet from the Socialist Workers' Movement (SWM) during the referendums on access to abortion information and the right to travel, which took place #OnThisDay, 25th of November 1992.
#Politics #IrishPolitics #OTD #SWM #SWP #ReproductiveRights #Abortion #Referendums
Before you make up your mind... (1992) — Socialist Workers' Movement
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay, 25th of November 2010, the United Left Alliance (ULA) was announced.
The alliance of the Socialist Party, Socialist Workers' Party, Workers and Unemployed Action Group (WUAG) and independent leftists contested the 2011 general election, winning five seats.
Disagreements between the parties resulted in first the WUAG and then the SP withdrawing, leaving the alliance essentially defunct by 2013.
#IrishPolitics #SWP #SocialistParty #WUAG #UnitedLeftAlliance #OTD
On This Day, 25th November
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay, 24th November 1995, the referendum to remove the prohibition of divorce in Ireland was narrowly won with 50.28% of the vote.
Referendum - Divorce Referendum, 1995
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
"Tomás Mac Giolla: Republican, Socialist, Internationalist"
Produced by the Workers' Party after former party President Mac Giolla's death in 2010.
Tomás Mac Giolla: Republican, Socialist, Internationalist (2010) — The Workers' Party
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
Hands Off Ireland!
Issue number three of the publication produced by the Revolutionary Communist Group in the UK in the 1970s.
Hands Off Ireland!, No. 3 (1977) — Revolutionary Communist Group
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 21st January 1991:
Towards a Peaceful Ireland, from Republican Sinn Féin.
Towards a Peaceful Ireland (1991) — Republican Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 1st December 1976:
"Organise to defeat British imperialist aggression and plunder Organise to defeat the Irish monopoly capitalists north and south"
Red Patriot, Newsweekly of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
Red Patriot, Vol. 5, No. 42-43 (1976) — Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
Working Class Action Newsletter, October 2002 on the second Nice Treaty referendum.
#IrishHistory #IrishPolitics #WorkingClassAction #Nice #Referendum
Working Class Action Newsletter, Oct. 02 (2002) — Working Class Action
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
"Nazis Out Of Football".
A leaflet from Anti-Fascist Action, 1995.
Nazis Out Of Football (1995) — Anti-Fascist Action
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 7th November 1987:
"Vote No To National Plan Wage Agreement!"
Workers' and Unemployed News, from the Workers' and Unemployed Movement (associated with the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)).
Workers' and Unemployed News, November 7th, 1987 (1987) — Workers and Unemployed Movement
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
"Loughgall Martyrs"
An Phoblacht Republican News, Imeall 9, Uimhir 19, on the 1987 Loughgall ambush.
An Phoblacht Republican News (later just An Phoblacht) was the newspaper of Sinn Féin.
#IrishPolitics #Loughgall #SinnFéin #AnPhoblacht #RepublicanNews
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 9, Uimh. 19 (1987) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
Workers Solidarity, No. 104.
From the Workers Solidarity Movement, August 2008.
Workers Solidarity, No. 104 (2008) — Workers' Solidarity Movement
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 20th October 1979:
An Phoblacht Republican News, newspaper of Sinn Féin.
#SinnFéin #AnPhoblacht #RepublicanNews #IrishHistory #IrishPolitics #OTD
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 1, Uimh. 38 (1979) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay 16th October 1968, a referendum to remove proportional representation in favour of majoritarianism was held in the Republic of Ireland.
The referendum was rejected by 60% of voters.
Below is a poster from the Labour party from the campaign.
#OnThisDay 14th of October 1967:
Labour party leader Brendan Corish delivered his "New Republic" speech, famously opening with “the seventies will be Socialist”.
On This Day, 14th October
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay, 13th October 1981:
Rebel, No. 46, on the end of the Republican hunger strikes.
Rebel was produced by Revolutionary Struggle in the late 1970s and early 80s.
#OTD #IrishPolitics #History #Rebel #RevolutionaryStruggle #HungerStrikes
Rebel, No. 46 (1981) — Revolutionary Struggle
Irish Left Archive[>
In the latest episode of the Irish Left Archive Podcast, we spoke to former Republican Sinn Féin President Des Dalton about his political background, Republicanism, Internationalism and the Left.
#OnThisDay 9th of October 1968, People’s Democracy was formed at a meeting in Queen’s University Belfast.
On This Day, 9th October
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
Poster from Éirígí in 2019 reproducing the Democratic Programme of the First Dáil Éireann.
Democratic Programme of the First Dáil Éireann (2019) — Éirígí
Irish Left Archive[>