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#OnThisDay 12th of June 1982, the Socialist Labour Party (SLP) voted to dissolve.
Founded in 1977, the SLP sought to build a party of the Left, bringing together former Labour members and Left groups, which joined as tendencies — the Socialist Workers’ Movement (SWM), League for a Workers’ Republic, Irish Workers Group, and Movement for a Socialist Republic; though all left the SLP within a few years (with the SWM tendency leaving last in 1980).
#Ireland #Politics #History #SocialistLabourParty #Socialism #SWM #LWR #IWG #MSR
On This Day, 12th June
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay 12th of June 1982, the Socialist Labour Party was dissolved.
Founded in 1977, the SLP sought to build a party of the Left, bringing together former Labour members and Left groups, which joined as tendencies — the Socialist Workers’ Movement (SWM), League for a Workers’ Republic, Irish Workers Group, and Movement for a Socialist Republic; though all left the SLP within a few years (with the SWM tendency leaving last in 1980).
#OTD #IrishHistory #IrishPolitics #SocialistLabourParty #SocialistWorkersMovement #LeagueForAWorkersRepublic #IrishWorkersGroup #MovementForASocialistRepublic #Socialism
On This Day, 12th June
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay 27th May 1978, the opening address of the Socialist Labour Party policy conference, given by party Chairman, Matt Merrigan.
Opening Address of Chairman, Matt Merrigan, To the Policy Conference Held at Liberty Hall, Dublin on Saturday and Sunday, May 27th and 28th 1978 (1978) — Socialist Labour Party
Irish Left Archive[>
Here's an interview with Michael D. Higgins in Gralton, from 1982, in which he is asked about the prospects for the Irish left, his opposition to coalition with Fine Gael (FG), and the role of Labour as a vehicle for the left.
He also expresses opposition to expelling Militant (who were eventually expelled in the late 80s and are now the Socialist Party), and comments on the then recently dissolved Socialist Labour Party (SLP).
Higgins was Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht in the 1993 FG, Labour and Democratic Left coalition, and has been President of Ireland since 2011.
#IrishLeftArchive #Gralton #MichaelDHiggins #Labour #FineGael #Militant #SocialistLabourParty
#SocialistWorkersMovement #SocialistLabourParty #Gralton #GreenParty
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From Nov.1977, the constitution of the Socialist Labour Party.
The SLP was led by Matt Merrigan and Noël Browne, formerly of Labour.
The Socialist Workers Movement, Irish Workers Group, and Movement for a Socialist Republic all joined as tendencies.
The SLP continued until 1982, when it was dissolved.
For a great overview of the party, they are covered in this episode of "The Others" podcast (from
#IrishPolitics #IrishHistory #SocialistLabourParty #SLP #IrishLeftArchive
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"Socialist Workers Movement 1971-1977"
An outline of the history of the Socialist Workers Movement, and their decision to join the Socialist Labour Party (forming the Socialist Workers Tendency).
From Socialist Worker Review, No. 1, 1978.
#IrishPolitics #IrishHistory #Socialism #SocialistWorkersMovement #SocialistLabourParty #SWP #IrishLeftArchive
View Document: Socialist Worker Review, No. 1 - Socialist Workers' Tendency
Irish Left Archive[>