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As this is the first National Congress of our party, it is the duty of the inaugural Central Committee to put on record the circumstances which gave rise to the founding of the party, and to report on its development and activity since that time.


The Socialist Party of Ireland was formed in Dublin on the 13th of December 1970.

The founding members appointed a Central Committee, which drew up a manifesto and a constitution. The manifesto announcing the formation of the party was published on the 19th January 1971.
Irish Left Archive's avatar

12th of June 1982, the Socialist Labour Party (SLP) voted to dissolve.

Founded in 1977, the SLP sought to build a party of the Left, bringing together former Labour members and Left groups, which joined as tendencies — the Socialist Workers’ Movement (SWM), League for a Workers’ Republic, Irish Workers Group, and Movement for a Socialist Republic; though all left the SLP within a few years (with the SWM tendency leaving last in 1980).

On This Day, 12th June

Irish Left Archive

Scanned from a magazine, a photograph of SLP members with the party banner behind them and the caption The Party's Over.
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

14th of October 1967:

Labour party leader Brendan Corish delivered his "New Republic" speech, famously opening with “the seventies will be Socialist”.

On This Day, 14th October

Irish Left Archive

Scanned cover of the published edition of The New Republic. The text reads: Complete text of The New Republic address by Brendan Corish, T.D., Leader of the Labour Party. The cover features the starry plough on a blue background, positioned within a larger green rectangle.
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

12th of June 1982, the Socialist Labour Party was dissolved.

Founded in 1977, the SLP sought to build a party of the Left, bringing together former Labour members and Left groups, which joined as tendencies — the Socialist Workers’ Movement (SWM), League for a Workers’ Republic, Irish Workers Group, and Movement for a Socialist Republic; though all left the SLP within a few years (with the SWM tendency leaving last in 1980).

On This Day, 12th June

Irish Left Archive

Screenshot of a webpage section headlined: 1982 – The Socialist Labour Party was dissolved. For text version, follow the link in this post
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive's avatar

The Socialist Party is a name that has been used at different times by unrelated groups in Ireland, from the early 20th Century to the present, and from a number of strands of the left.

Here's a thread on the various Socialist Parties in Ireland


A grey-scale logo of a five-pointed star with a torch in the centre.
Front cover of a book, with the text: Manifesto of the Socialist Party of Ireland, With Declaration of Principles; Price 6d.
A logo of a red, five-pointed star with the words Socialist Party beside it in black text.
Irish Left Archive's avatar

"Socialist Workers Movement 1971-1977"

An outline of the history of the Socialist Workers Movement, and their decision to join the Socialist Labour Party (forming the Socialist Workers Tendency).

From Socialist Worker Review, No. 1, 1978.

View Document: Socialist Worker Review, No. 1 - Socialist Workers' Tendency

Irish Left Archive

Scanned article headlined: Socialist Workers Movement 1971-1977 -- John Goodwillie details the origins and political traditions of the tendency members who publish Socialist Worker Review.
Scanned text reading: For many of those who have been in the Labour party or in the Republican movement, the members of small left-wing groups have been seen, by definition, to be either mad or incurably sectarian, or both. In looking at the background and development of the Socialist Workers' Movement over the years, this article aims to show that its traditions and politics are neither mad nor sectarian. It also aims to explain the entry into the Socialist Labour Party of S.W.M. members.
Scanned text reading: To co-ordinate the activities within the SLP of those who feel an affinity with the politics that S.W.M. defended in the past, the Socialist Workers Tendency has been formed. The tendency is not a party within a party: it will not force its members to act monolithically without regard to their own views. It simply is a grouping of like-minded people who wish to exercise an influence within the Party for direct action and against the road of parliamentary careerism. The basis of its politics can be summarised in one quotation from Karl Marx:

The emancipation of the working class is the task of the workers alone.
Irish Left Archive's avatar

Great to see that the very useful archive of The Worker, later Socialist Worker — the newspaper of the Socialist Workers’ Movement (SWM) and Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) — has been further expanded.

It now includes scans of the first volume of the paper from 1972–1977, when it ceased publication during the period in which the SWM joined the Socialist Labour Party (SLP); and the second volume, which ran from 1980–1984.

The site is working towards adding the remaining issues from the 1980s, which would make it a near-complete archive of the paper from 1972–2018.

swonline Publisher Publications - Issuu

A screenshot showing the Socialist Worker Online archive website, featuring cover images of issues from the 1970s.