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15th of March 1970, the Communist Party of Ireland (CPI) was reconstituted, with the merging of the Irish Workers’ Party (IWP) and the Communist Party of Northern Ireland (CPNI). (The earlier party had split in 1941).

On This Day, 15th March

Irish Left Archive

Screenshot of a web page, reading: 

1970 The Communist Party of Ireland was reconstituted

On the 15th of March 1970, the Communist Party of Ireland was reconstituted, with the merging of the Irish Workers’ Party (IWP) and the Communist Party of Northern Ireland (CPNI).

Meetings between IWP and CPNI had been ongoing since January 1969 when a draft statement on forming a “joint Council” was prepared.
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive
Scanned text reading: "After an existence of 11 months the Cork Branch of the ICO on 31 January, 1971 seceded from the Irish Communist Organisation (ICO) and reconstituted itself as the Cork Communist Organisation (CCO). The decision to secede from the ICO was unanimous and followed several weeks discussion by the members of the Cork Branch. The following pamphlet outlines the circumstances which led to the split. The ICO statement on the split, ‘Nationalist Disruption of the Communist Movement’ (Irish Communist, May 1971) is also commented on in Part One, as are their statements ; ‘Nationalist Slander’ (Communist Comment, 21 August, 1971) and ‘Nationalist Disruption 2’ (Irish Communist, October 1971) in Part Two."
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Irish Left Archive
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

Published 1st August 1982:

"Demonstrate Against British Imperialism! Remember Ireland's heroic martyrs!"

"Long Live the Palestinian Resistance! Down with the fascist aggression and genocide of U.S.–backed Israeli Zionism against the Lebanese and Palestinian People!"

Red Patriot / An Tírghráthóir Dearg, from the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist).

Red Patriot, Vol. 6, No. 3-4 (1982) — Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

Published 7th July 2007:

Unity, then Northern paper of the Communist Party of Ireland (CPI).

After divisions in the CPI in 2021, Unity continues to be produced by the newly formed Irish Communist Party.

Unity, Vol. 19, No. 25 (2007) — Communist Party of Ireland

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

For an overview of materials from the British left on Ireland, we've gathered documents from several strands – including Labour, Trotskyist groups, CPGB and other communists, Maoists, SPGB and others – in this document collection:

Document Collection: The British Left on Ireland

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

15th March 1970, the Communist Party of Ireland (CPI) was reconstituted, with the merging of the Irish Workers’ Party (IWP) and the Communist Party of Northern Ireland (CPNI).

The party had divided in 1941 amid tensions over the entry of the Soviet Union into the second world war.

On This Day, 15th March

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar

"For a Prosperous Ulster: An Explanation of the Communist Party’s Policy for Northern Ireland"

From the Communist Party of Northern Ireland (CPNI) in 1944.

The CPNI existed was extant between 1941 and 1970 at which point it merged with the Irish Workers' Party to refound the Communist Party of Ireland (CPI).

For a Prosperous Ulster (1944) — Communist Party of Northern Ireland

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar

The first Socialist Party of Ireland formed in the 1900s to continue James Connolly's Irish Socialist Republican Party (ISRP) after it collapsed. It briefly became the first Communist Party of Ireland in the 1920s, until the Comintern ordered its dissolution in favour of James Larkin's Irish Worker League.


Irish Left Archive's avatar

From 1949: “Irish Workers' Road to Freedom”

The Manifesto of the Irish Workersʼ League (IWL).

The IWL (later Irish Workersʼ Party) was formed in the late 1940s in the South, after the Communist Party of Ireland (CPI) dissolved during WWII.

In 1970, it merged with the Communist Party of Northern Ireland to re-found the CPI.

Irish Workers' Road to Freedom (1949) — Irish Workers' League

Irish Left Archive

Irish Left Archive's avatar

1st January 1974: The Communist Organisation in the British Isles was formed in a split from the British and Irish Communist Organisation.

On This Day, 1st January

Irish Left Archive

Image of text, reading: What is the Communist Organisation in the British Isles?  The Communist Organisation in the British Isles was formed on 1 January 1974, in secession from the British and Irish Communist Organisation, now become revisionist.  The Communist Organisation  The Communist Organisation in the British Isles is a Marxist-Leninist collective. Its purpose is to think communist and to act communist, to create communists and to elaborate communist practice in the working class of the British Isles. The Communist Organisation affirms its total commitment to the science of Marxism Leninism, the unity of communist theory and practice, the dictatorship of the proletariat and the hegemony of the proletarian world-outlook.