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New document:

A leaflet for a Socialist Youth Forum in April 2001, from the Socialist Party youth wing, with talks on "The Life and Ideas of Che Guevara" and "What way forward for the Peace Process?"

Socialist Youth Forum (2001) — Socialist Youth

Irish Left Archive

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, 25th of November 2010, the United Left Alliance (ULA) was announced.

The alliance of the Socialist Party, Socialist Workers' Party, Workers and Unemployed Action Group (WUAG) and independent leftists contested the 2011 general election, winning five seats.

Disagreements between the parties resulted in first the WUAG and then the SP withdrawing, leaving the alliance essentially defunct by 2013.

On This Day, 25th November

Irish Left Archive

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New document:

"Quinn and De Rossa merge parties to form: New Labour Sellout!"

Voice, newspaper of the Socialist Party, on the merger of Democratic Left with the Labour party in 1999.

Voice, No. 19 (1999) — Socialist Party

Irish Left Archive

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in 1949, the Socialist Party of Ireland was founded:

On May 28th, 1949, a number of workers, representing Socialist Groups in Dublin and Belfast, met in Belfast and decided that the Groups should coalesce and form the Socialist Party of Ireland. That decision was subsequently ratified by the members of the Dublin and Belfast Groups; and so was born the first political party in Ireland to publicly and unequivocally declare its object to be the establishment of Socialism.

This Socialist Party of Ireland was associated with the SPGB and later became the World Socialist Party.

On This Day, 28th May

Irish Left Archive

Scan of the preface to the Socialist Party of Ireland Manifesto (1949).
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Irish Left Archive

Published 24th March 2000:

"Dublin Bus Strike: Decent Basic Pay for Bus Drivers Is The Solution – De-regulation/privatisation of public transport in Dublin would worsen the service"

A press statement from Socialist Party TD, Joe Higgins, on the then Dublin Bus strike.

Dublin Bus Strike: Decent Basic Pay for Bus Drivers Is The Solution (2000) — Socialist Party

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

New document:

Stop the Cuts: Budget Day Protest

A leaflet from the Socialist Party for a march in Dublin on budget day in 2002.

Stop The Cuts: Budget Day Protest (2002) — Socialist Party

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

New document:

"Dublin Bus Strike: Decent Basic Pay for Bus Drivers Is The Solution"

A press release from Joe Higgins T.D. of the Socialist Party, from 24th March 2000.

Dublin Bus Strike: Decent Basic Pay for Bus Drivers Is The Solution (2000) — Socialist Party

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

30th September 2019, the formation of RISE (Revolutionary Internationalist Socialist Environmentalist) was announced.

Formed by members of the Socialist Party in the wake of the split in the CWI, RISE went on to join People Before Profit in 2021.

Press Statement: RISE (2019) — RISE

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

, 1st September 2001, the founding conference of Socialist Youth, the youth section of the Socialist Party, took place.

On This Day, 1st September

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

Last year, 18th June, a cost of living crisis rally was held in Dublin.

Material distributed included leaflets from Militant Left, People Before Profit, the Socialist Party, and the Irish branch of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE).

Political Material from: Cost of Living Crisis Rally, 18th June 2022

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

New document:

Militant, No. 247.

The final issue of Militant, as they transitioned to The Socialist Party in 1996.

Militant, No. 247 (1996) — Socialist Party

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

19th April 2003, a demonstration was held to oppose the invasion of Iraq and the US military’s use of Shannon Airport in Newbridge, Kildare.

Documents distributed by County Kildare Anti-War Group, Socialist Party and Socialist Workers' Party are collected here as part of the project:

Political Material from: Anti-War Demonstration, 19th April 2003

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive
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Irish Left Archive
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12th March 2003, a letter from Joan Collins of the Crumlin Anti-Bin Tax Campaign.

Collins, then a Socialist Party member, was elected to the local council the following year. She is now a T.D. for Right To Change.

Crumlin Anti-Bin Tax Campaign - Monster Meeting (2003)

Irish Left Archive

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The contemporary Socialist Party was formed in 1996.

It arose from the Trotskyist Militant tendency in Labour and the Labour and Trade Union Group in the North, which were associated with Militant in Britain and the Committee for a Workers International (CWI).

Its members are part of Solidarity, and it is affiliated with International Socialist Alternative (ISA) since the latter formed from divisions in the CWI.


Socialist Party

Irish Left Archive

Front cover of Militant newspaper from January 1972. It has the tagline For A Socialist United Ireland and is labelled Special Irish Edition. The main headline is Ireland: The Real Issues
Logo of Solidarity - The Left Alternative
Logo of the Socialist Party
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The Socialist Party is a name that has been used at different times by unrelated groups in Ireland, from the early 20th Century to the present, and from a number of strands of the left.

Here's a thread on the various Socialist Parties in Ireland


A grey-scale logo of a five-pointed star with a torch in the centre.
Front cover of a book, with the text: Manifesto of the Socialist Party of Ireland, With Declaration of Principles; Price 6d.
A logo of a red, five-pointed star with the words Socialist Party beside it in black text.