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New episode of the Irish Left Archive Podcast:
We talk to Dr. Marisa McGlinchey about her book, Unfinished Business: the politics of âdissidentâ Irish republicanism.
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#Ireland #Politics #History #Republicanism #Podcasts #IrishPodcasts
New document:
"Political Status for All Irish Republican Prisoners! Free All Anti-Imperialist political Prisoners!"
A 2013 leaflet from the Irish Republican Prisoners Support Group in London.
Political Status for All Irish Republican Prisoners! Free All Anti-Imperialist political Prisoners! (2013) â Irish Republican Prisoners Support Group
Irish Left Archive[>
In our (slightly delayed) January episode of the Irish Left Archive Podcast, we talk to Jim Monaghan about his political activism since the 1960s in various Republican and Trotskyist groups including the League for A Workers' Republic, Workers' League, Official Sinn FĂ©in, People's Democracy and the H-Block/Armagh Committee.
Many thanks to Jim for his time and insight on Left political activity in Ireland!
You can follow the podcast directly
#Ireland #Politics #History #Podcast #Republicanism #Trotskyism
#OnThisDay 2nd November 1986, Republican Sinn FĂ©in were formed in a split over abstention from Leinster House.
On This Day, 2nd November
Irish Left Archive[>
In the latest episode of the Irish Left Archive Podcast, we spoke to former Republican Sinn FĂ©in President Des Dalton about his political background, Republicanism, Internationalism and the Left.
In the latest episode of the Irish Left Archive Podcast (, we talk to former Republican Sinn FĂ©in President Des Dalton about his political background, Republicanism, Internationalism and the Left.
#IrishPodcasts #Podcast #RepublicanSinnFĂ©in #Republicanism #IrishLeft
Published #OnThisDay 15th August 1969, a statement from the IRA in the immediate aftermath of the Battle of the Bogside.
It calls for the disarming of the B Specials, withdrawal of British Troops and a UN-supervised all-Ireland election. It also rejects calls from some for the suspension of Stormont and introduction of direct Westminster rule.
#Ireland #History #Politics #TheTroubles #IRA #Republicanism
Statement from the Republican Movement, 15th August 1969 (1969) â Sinn FĂ©in [Pre 1970]
Irish Left Archive[>
"Socialists, Republicanism and the Armed Struggle"
A pamphlet by Kieran Allen for the Socialist Workers' Movement, 1991.
#IrishLeftArchive #Socialism #Republicanism #SocialistWorkersMovement #SWM #SWP
Socialists, Republicanism and the Armed Struggle (1991) â Socialist Workers' Movement
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay 1st of March 1981, hunger strikes began when Bobby Sands started refusing food. A total of ten people died before the strike ended in October.
On This Day, 1st March
Irish Left Archive[>
"Ireland: Background to What Is Happening To-Day"
From Official Sinn FĂ©in, an overview of the situation in Ireland and position of the Republican movement.
Ireland: Background to What Is Happening To-Day (1972 c.) â Sinn FĂ©in [Official]
Irish Left Archive[>
For a Republican, All-Islands, Internationalism From Below Coalition
A series of articles from Allan Armstrong of Republican Communist Forum (
Allan Armstrong has written reviews of three books which address the political situation Socialists face, first of all in Ireland. He has extended this to Scotland, Wales and England, and their position in a world of competing imperialisms. The purpose in doing this is to build the case for a Republican, all-islands, âinternationalism from belowâ coalition to challenge the UK state and its imperial allies.
For a republican, all-islands, internationalism from below coalition â Emancipation, Liberation & Self-determination[>
New podcast episode!
We talk to ĂirĂgĂ activist Mickey Moran about his experience of campaigning and organising on the left, his perspective on Republicanism and the development of his politics.
You can follow the podcast directly for updates, as well as subscribe to the feed in the usual apps. Thanks to Mickey for taking the time to talk to us!
#Podcast #IrishPolitics #IrishLeftArchivePodcast #ĂirĂgĂ #Republicanism
in our January activist interview for the Irish Left Archive Podcast, we spoke to left activist, Vincent Doherty.
We discuss his politicisation growing up in Derry; his role in the Derry Republican movement and perspective on the Officials and the divisions which led to the formation of the IRSP; his work with the IMG and Troops Out Movement in England; joining Peoples' Democracy and his central role in the H-Blocks campaign during the 1981 hunger strikes; his move towards Sinn FĂ©in and the influence of Peopleâs Democracy; and his perspective on the contemporary left in Ireland.
#Ireland #Politics #Trotskyism #Republicanism #IrishLeftArchive #Podcast
Episode 44: Vincent Doherty: Offical Sinn FĂ©in, International Marxist Group, Troops Out, People's Democracy, H-Block Committee, Sinn FĂ©in â Irish Left Archive Podcast
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 11th January 1995:
Northern Ireland Report, No. 21
Northern Ireland Report was published by an ad hoc group of individuals in the United States who, while close to Sinn FĂ©in, were critical of it, and particularly so during the developing Peace Process. Their position would have been strongly left of centre. One aspect of their goal was to produce a publication which was different from the more conservative leaning publications issued in the US which were sympathetic to Irish republicanism.
#OTD #Ireland #History #Politics #Republicanism #IrishLeftArchive
Northern Ireland Report, No. 21 (1995)
Irish Left Archive[>
We finished our Spring episodes with a discussion of the book, RuairiÌ OÌ BraÌdaigh: The Life and Politics of an Irish Revolutionary, by Robert White, looking at the history of Ă BrĂĄdaigh, Republican Sinn FĂ©in and the issues raised by the book with friend of the podcast, Charles Tuba.
#Republicanism #RepublicanSinnFĂ©in #IrishLeftArchive #Podcast
Episode 38: RuairiÌ OÌ BraÌdaigh: The Life and Politics of an Irish Revolutionary, with Charles Tuba â Irish Left Archive Podcast
Irish Left Archive[>