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Published #OnThisDay 22nd March 1974:
"Step Back to to 1921 and Civil War?"
An Phoblacht, Vol. 4, No. 12. Newspaper of Sinn Féin.
An Phoblacht, Vol. 4, No. 12 (1974) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
New document: Young Republican, Summer 1983, from Na Fianna Éireann.
#Ireland #Politics #NaFiannaÉireann #SinnFéin #YoungRepublican
Young Republican, Summer 1983 (1983) — Na Fianna Éireann [SF]
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
"Election Interventions—Historical & Contemporary" (Republican Lecture Series, Number 6), from the Sinn Féin Education Department, circa 1982.
Election Interventions—Historical & Contemporary (1982 c.) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 20th October 1979:
"IRA Okay! Lynch Up The Poll"
An Phoblacht Republican News, newspaper of Sinn Féin.
#Ireland #Politics #History #OTD #SinnFéin #AnPhoblacht #RepublicanNews
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 1, Uimh. 38 (1979) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
Economic Resistance, from Sinn Féin, circa early 1980s.
Economic Resistance (1982 c.) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay, 11th of August 1994:
"25 Years On – We Shall Overcome"
An Phoblacht, newspaper of Sinn Féin.
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 16, Uimh. 32 (1994) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 13th July 1974:
"Call to Ulster Protestants"
Republican News, newspaper of Sinn Féin in the North.
Republican News, Vol. 4, No. 28 (1974) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 7th July 1994:
"Peace needs end to British violence"
An Phoblacht Republican News, newspaper of Sinn Féin.
#Ireland #History #Politics #SinnFéin #AnPhoblacht #RepublicanNews
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 16, Uimh. 27 (1994) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 19th May 1973:
Republican News, Belfast paper of Sinn Féin.
Republican News, Vol. 2, No. 86 (1973) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay, 14th May 1987:
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 9, Uimh. 19
Newspaper of Sinn Féin.
#Ireland #Politics #History #SinnFéin #Loughgall #AnPhoblacht #RepublicanNews
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 9, Uimh. 19 (1987) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 28th March 1991:
"Call of 1916 – Challenge of Today!"
An Phoblacht Republican News, newspaper of Sinn Féin, on the 75th anniversary of the 1916 Rising.
#Ireland #History #Politics #1916Rising #SinnFéin #AnPhoblacht #RepublicanNews
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 13, Uimh. 13 (1991) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay, 2nd February 1980:
"The Chains of Hypocrisy"
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 2, Uimh. 5, from Sinn Féin.
#Ireland #Politics #History #SinnFéin #AnPhoblacht #RepublicanNews
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 2, Uimh. 5 (1980) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
You'll find the Éire Nua policy and analysis documents about it – from Sinn Féin and later Republican Sinn Féin, who maintained the policy after their formation in 1987.
Policy Area - Éire Nua
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 17th January 1971:
A press release from Sinn Féin announces their new social and economic programme, an early version of their Éire Nua policy.
Press Release from Sinn Féin: New Social and Economic Programme (1971) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 31st December 1987:
"Peace With Justice Is Still The Aim"
An Phoblacht Republican News, newspaper of Sinn Féin.
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 9, Uimh. 50 (1987) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
"Loughgall Martyrs"
An Phoblacht Republican News, Imeall 9, Uimhir 19, on the 1987 Loughgall ambush.
An Phoblacht Republican News (later just An Phoblacht) was the newspaper of Sinn Féin.
#IrishPolitics #Loughgall #SinnFéin #AnPhoblacht #RepublicanNews
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 9, Uimh. 19 (1987) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 20th October 1979:
An Phoblacht Republican News, newspaper of Sinn Féin.
#SinnFéin #AnPhoblacht #RepublicanNews #IrishHistory #IrishPolitics #OTD
An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 1, Uimh. 38 (1979) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
Left Republican Review, Sept/Oct 2000, from Sinn Féin.
#IrishPolitics #IrishHistory #LeftRepublicanReview #SinnFéin
Left Republican Review, Sept/Oct 2000 (2000) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
New documents:
Election leaflet and sample ballot from the 2022 Northern Ireland Assembly elections, for Jemma Dolan of Sinn Féin, running in Fermanagh / South Tyrone.
#Ireland #NorthernIreland #Politics #NIAssembly #Elections #SinnFéin #AE2022
Sinn Féin: Jemma Dolan 1 (2022) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
If you're interested in creative work and #art from #activist and political perspectives, you might enjoy these episodes too:
#Poet and #activist Sarah Clancy (
#Author and #SinnFéin activist Danny Morrison:
#Illustrator Megan Luddy O'Leary and #Activist and #Archivist Orla Egan ( ) on their book, Diary of an Activist:
And #fiction #author Michael Flavin: