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#OnThisDay 22nd February 1992, Democratic Left was formed in a split from the Workers' Party.
Several members and six of the party’s TDs left the party and formed a new party led by Proinsias de Rossa. Initially called New Agenda, it was renamed Democratic Left at its founding conference the following month.
On This Day, 22nd February
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
Notes & Comments, Internal Newsletter of The Workers Party, August 1985
Notes & Comments, August 1985 (1985) — The Workers' Party
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
Workers' Party Report, Spring 1987.
From the Workers' Party, published soon after the 1987 Irish general election.
Workers' Party Report, Spring 1987 (1987) — The Workers' Party
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay, 22nd February 1992, Democratic Left was formed after a split in the Workers' Party.
At a Workers Party Ard Comhairle meeting, several members and six of the party’s TDs left the party and formed a new party led by Proinsias de Rossa. Initially called New Agenda, it was renamed Democratic Left at its founding conference the following month.
On This Day, 22nd February
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
"Tomás Mac Giolla: Republican, Socialist, Internationalist"
Produced by the Workers' Party after former party President Mac Giolla's death in 2010.
Tomás Mac Giolla: Republican, Socialist, Internationalist (2010) — The Workers' Party
Irish Left Archive[>
Published #OnThisDay 27th March 1981:
"Eviction Over £1 Arrears"
"NATO's Target – Ireland"
The Irish People, Vol. 9, No. 13, newspaper of Sinn Féin The Workers' Party.
#IrishLeftArchive #OTD #Housing #Eviction #NATO #TheIrishPeople #SinnFéínTheWorkersParty #WorkersParty
The Irish People, Vol. 9, No. 13 (1981) — Sinn Féin The Workers' Party
Irish Left Archive[>
New document: Women's View, No. 6, Summer 1981
Women's View was published by Sinn Féin The Workers' Party (later The Workers' Party) throughout the 1980s.
Women's View, No. 6 (1981) — Sinn Féin The Workers' Party
Irish Left Archive[>
A cartoon on the Iran-Contra scandal, in which the US sold arms to Iran, despite an embargo, to use the proceeds to fund the right-wing Contras' attempt to overthrow the Nicaraguan government.
From Ireland, the international magazine of the Workers' Party, 1987.
#Ireland #WorkersParty #IranContra #Reagan #IrishLeftArchive
#WorkersParty #DemocraticLeft #IrishSocialistNetwork #Podcast #IrishPodcasts
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#OnThisDay 22nd February 1992, Democratic Left was formed after a split in the Workers' Party.
#DemocraticLeft #WorkersParty #IrishPolitics #IrishLeftArchive
On This Day, 22nd February
Irish Left Archive[>
"The Fruits of Apartheid"
From 1983, a cartoon supporting the boycott of South African fruit in response to apartheid.
From Ireland, international magazine of the Workers' Party.
#Ireland #SouthAfrica #Apartheid #WorkersParty #IrishLeftArchive
We returned in November with an interview with Pádraig Mannion, who has been a member of Official Sinn Féin and then The Workers' Party since the 1970s. We discussed his politicisation as a student, and the many activist and electoral campaigns he has been involved in, as well as the politics and development of the Workers' Party.
Episode 41: Pádraig Mannion: Official Sinn Féin and The Workers' Party — Irish Left Archive Podcast
Irish Left Archive[>