#OnThisDay, 24th November 1995, the referendum to remove the prohibition of divorce in Ireland was narrowly won with 50.28% of the vote.
Referendum - Divorce Referendum, 1995
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay, 24th November 1995, the referendum to remove the prohibition of divorce in Ireland was narrowly won with 50.28% of the vote.
Irish Left Archive[>
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This poster from the SWP for the referendum featured a photo of Bishop Eamonn Casey.
The image and slogan also featured on the cover of Socialist Worker: https://archive.org/details/SW20_October_15th_1995
Socialist Worker Ireland Volume 2 Issue 20 October 15th 1995 : eoc199 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Internet Archive[>