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Irish Left Archive

If you haven't heard it yet, in our latest episode we talk to artist, activist and researcher Emma Campbell about combining art and activism, Alliance for Choice and the campaign for abortion rights in Northern Ireland, her solo art work and the Array Collective, and winning the Turner Prize.

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Irish Left Archive

In our latest podcast episode, we spoke to artist, activist and researcher, Emma Campbell, about combining art and activism, Alliance for Choice and the campaign for abortion rights in Northern Ireland, the Array Collective and winning the Turner Prize.

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Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

A cartoon highlighting church hypocrisy on abortion.

The cartoon accompanied an article asking readers to vote No in the 1983 eighth amendment referendum, from Women's View.

A cartoon of a priest at the pulpit. A sign reads "This week's sermon: No Abortion". Behind him a notice reads "Next week's sermon: we need the death penalty"
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive's avatar

2/3 Ní Saoirse go Saoirse na mBan!

A sticker from Éirígí's 2018 abortion rights campaign during the referendum to repeal the eight amendment.

Ní Saoirse go Saoirse na mBan! (2018) — Éirígí

Irish Left Archive