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A Flea Market and All Day Gig fundraiser for Palestine in Dublin tomorrow (2nd November).

A poster reading: Flea Market and All Day Gig. CIE Hall, Inchicore, 12-6pm, 2 Nov. Poster Fish Promotions. Fundraiser for Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
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24th April 1966, a Republican parade to Glasnevin cemetery marking the 50th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising took place in Dublin.

On This Day, 24th April

Irish Left Archive

Screenshot of a web page reading: A Republican parade marking the 50th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising clashed with Gardaí

On 24th April 1966, a Republican parade to Glasnevin cemetery marking the 50th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising took place in Dublin.

The United Irishman, newspaper of Sinn Féin, reported on the Gardaí’s use of batons and a number of arrests in response.

The image features an article from United Irishman headlined: Police Baton Peaceful Parade: Many Injured
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Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

There's a Radical Book Fair in the Teacher's Club in Dublin this Saturday.

Organised by Rupture / RISE, it will also include workshops and talks throughout the day.

In the main hall we will have big book stalls from Connolly Books, Pluto Press, Rebel News & Rupture Media, as well as campaign stalls from CATU, Unite, Trans & Intersex Pride Dublin, Le Cheile, rs21, Rebel Telly/Red Network, IIRE/Fourth International, Praxis, TNI, Irish Anarchist Network, NARA and more.

Poster for the Radical Book Fair, reading: Ecosocialist, Feminist, Anti-fascist / Radical Book Fair / March 9 12-5pm, Teacher's Club, 36 Parnell Square
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Irish Left Archive

22nd of October 2011:

A march was held in support of Occupy Dame Street, the Dublin incarnation of the wider Occupy movement. Here are leaflets collected at the march:

Political Material from: Occupy Dame Street March, 22nd October 2011

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

1st June 1979, a group of protestors began an occupation of the development at Wood Quay, as part of the campaign to preserve the historical mediaeval site from destruction. Dubbed “Operation Sitric”, after Sigtrygg Silkbeard, a Hiberno-Norse King of Dublin, the occupation lasted for three weeks.

Document Collection: Wood Quay Protests

Irish Left Archive

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Irish Left Archive

The Dublin Anarchist Bookfair takes place tomorrow in the Teachers' Club.

In the latest Irish Left Archive Podcast episode, we spoke to Gregor Kerr about this year's fair and the history of the annual event:

Flyer for Dublin Anarchist Bookfair, Saturday 20 May, 10–6, Teachers Club, Dublin 1
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Irish Left Archive

Here's the full programme for the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday.

Programme for the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday 20th May 2023
Irish Left Archive's avatar
Irish Left Archive

The Dublin Anarchist Bookfair takes place this weekend, Saturday 20th May.

We spoke to Gregor Kerr about the bookfair in our most recent podcast episode:

Flyer for Dublin Anarchist Bookfair, Saturday 20 May, 10–6, Teachers Club, Dublin 1
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Irish Left Archive

🎙 New podcast episode!

In episode 49 we speak to anarchist activist Gregor Kerr about the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair.

The Dublin Anarchist Bookfair was first held in 2006. After a few years' hiatus, the bookfair will be taking place again this month on Saturday the 20th May, organised by and independent anarchists.

You can follow the Irish Left Archive Podcast on the Fediverse