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From 1931, the draft constitution and rules of Saor Éire:
Saor Éire was a left Republican and communist organisation founded by members of the IRA in 1931 as “an organisation of workers and working farmers”.
It was banned by Military Tribunal, along with other Republican and Communist groups, in October 1931. (The ban was lifted the following March).
With the strength of reaction, the organisation never really got off the ground.
Saor Éire: Draft Constitution and Rules (1931) — Saor Éire [1931]
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay 26th September 1931, the founding conference of Saor Éire* was held. The “organisation of workers and working farmers” was established by the left-leaning and communist wing of the IRA.
- Not to be mistaken for the later "Saor Éire Action Group", active in the 1970s.
On This Day, 26th September
Irish Left Archive[>
#OnThisDay 26th September 1931, the founding conference of Saor Éire began. The "organisation of workers and working farmers" was established by the left-leaning and communist wing of the IRA.
On This Day, 26th September
Irish Left Archive[>
New document: People's Voice, No. 6.
Magazine of Saor Éire, 1969.
Note, this is the Cork-based organisation, not to be confused with the Saor Éire Action Group.
#IrishLeftArchive #IrishHistory #IrishPolitics #SaorÉire #PeoplesVoice
People's Voice, No. 6 (1969) — Saor Éire [Cork]
Irish Left Archive[>
The other Saor Éire was a Maoist-influenced group in Cork, and a successor to the Irish Revolutionary Forces. It published a magazine called People's Voice, which can be read in the archive:
Associated with Jim Lane, members went on to join the Irish Communist Organisation (ICO), though later left to form the Cork Communist Organisation after the ICO moved to the "two nations" theory.
#IrishLeftArchive #SaorÉire #IrishRevolutionaryForces #IrishCommunistOrganisation #CorkCommunistOrganisation
People's Voice
Irish Left Archive[>
Two unconnected later groups, active in the late 1960s and early 70s, also had the name Saor Éire.
One was a Republican "urban guerilla" group formed by former IRA members and Trotskyists, also known as the Saor Éire Action Group. It was involved in a number of bank robberies to fund arms purchases in the late 60s. By 1975 it had dissolved.
Their manifesto, reportedly printed by Peter Graham using the presses of Red Mole in London (the publication of the International Marxist Group), is available in the archive here:
#SaorÉire #RedMole #InternationalMarxistGroup #IMG #IrishLeftArchive
Saor Éire Manifesto (1971) — Saor Éire [1967]
Irish Left Archive[>
The Draft Constitution and Rules of Saor Éire:
Saor Éire was a short-lived left Republican and communist organisation founded by members of the IRA in 1931. Notable among its founders were Peadar O’Donnell, Frank Ryan and George Gilmore.
It brought together members of the Revolutionary Workers’ Groups (RWG), which was chiefly Dublin-based, and the Irish Working Farmers’ Congress (IWFC), which had been established by O’Donnell in 1930 and was associated with Krestintern, the Peasants International.
#IrishLeftArchive #SaorÉire #IrishWorkingFarmersCongress #RevolutionaryWorkersGroups
Saor Éire: Draft Constitution and Rules (1931) — Saor Éire [1931]
Irish Left Archive[>
New document:
Saor Éire: Draft Constitution and Rules, 1931.
Saor Éire was a left Republican and communist organisation founded by members of the IRA in 1931. Notable among its founders were Peadar O'Donnell, Frank Ryan and George Gilmore.
It was described as "an organisation of workers and working farmers", and brought together members of the Revolutionary Workers' Groups (RWG), which was chiefly Dublin-based, and the Irish Working Farmers' Congress (IWFC), which had been established by O;Donnell in 1930 and was associated with Krestintern, the Peasants International.
Saor Éire: Draft Constitution and Rules (1931) — Saor Éire [1931]
Irish Left Archive[>