The other Saor Éire was a Maoist-influenced group in Cork, and a successor to the Irish Revolutionary Forces. It published a magazine called People's Voice, which can be read in the archive:
Associated with Jim Lane, members went on to join the Irish Communist Organisation (ICO), though later left to form the Cork Communist Organisation after the ICO moved to the "two nations" theory.
#IrishLeftArchive #SaorÉire #IrishRevolutionaryForces #IrishCommunistOrganisation #CorkCommunistOrganisation
People's Voice
Irish Left Archive[>
Our Timeline of the Irish Left details the associations between each of these groups.
Saor Éire (1931):
Saor Éire (Cork):
Saor Éire Action Group:
Timeline of the Irish Left
Irish Left Archive[>
The Draft Constitution and Rules of Saor Éire:
Saor Éire was a short-lived left Republican and communist organisation founded by members of the IRA in 1931. Notable among its founders were Peadar O’Donnell, Frank Ryan and George Gilmore.
It brought together members of the Revolutionary Workers’ Groups (RWG), which was chiefly Dublin-based, and the Irish Working Farmers’ Congress (IWFC), which had been established by O’Donnell in 1930 and was associated with Krestintern, the Peasants International.
#IrishLeftArchive #SaorÉire #IrishWorkingFarmersCongress #RevolutionaryWorkersGroups
Saor Éire: Draft Constitution and Rules (1931) — Saor Éire [1931]
Irish Left Archive[>