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Published 19th March 1976:

The Bottom Dog, Vol. 3, No. 60

The Bottom Dog, "the working class paper of North Munster", was published in the 1970s in Limerick and took its name from a paper published in 1917/18.

The Bottom Dog, Vol. 3, No. 60 (1976)

Irish Left Archive

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Dated term for Irish Travellers

"In the final analysis whatever the hypocritical mouthings of our "pillars of society" about aid to people overseas, it is on their treatment of the poor, the [Travellers] and the working class at home that they must be judged."

A 1976 article from The Bottom Dog, "working class paper of North Munster", by Jim MacNamara on an example of open hostility to Irish Travellers from a local Urban Councillor.

An article from The Bottom Dog headlined: O'Meara and Itinerants, and showing a cut out of a Nenagh Guardian article titled: Mr O'Meara hits at itinerants' sympathisrs [sic]
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Vulgar cartoon satirising Gardaí / Police

From The Botton Dog in 1976, an unequivocal cartoon accompanying an article listing allegations of police misconduct in the preceding few years.

View Document: The Bottom Dog, Vol. 3, No. 70

Irish Left Archive

A cartoon showing a circle of police and detectives, each with their trousers down and leaning forward with their face in the arse of the next. One has a pig's head. The drawing is initialled I.K. It is captioned: The Special Branch investigating a case of police brutality.