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Here's an index of leaflets for the forthcoming local elections on Irish Election Literature:

Irish Election Literature is a great resource – if anyone has leaflets to fill some of the gaps, do get in touch.

Index of 2024 Local Election Leaflets #LE24

Irish Election Literature

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16th May 1920, workers at the Cleeves Creamery in Knocklong, County Limerick occupied the facility, raising a red flag and displaying a banner reading “Knocklong Soviet Creamery - We make butter, not profits”.

On This Day, 16th May

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14th May 2022, a rally was held outside the Dáil in Dublin calling for public ownership of the National Maternity Hospital without church involvement.

Documents distributed at the rally are on our site, as part of the Snapshots of Political Action project:

Political Material from: National Maternity Hospital Rally, 14th May 2022

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10th May 1972, Ireland voted in the European Communities Membership Referendum.

Documents from the referendum:

Referendum - European Communities Membership Referendum, 1972

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Scanned pamphlet cover reading: The Common Market: Yes or No! The Economic and Political Implications
A scanned poster reading: The Labour Party, Common Market NO
An issue of The Worker with the headline reading, EEC: Bosses' Answer
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24th April 1966, a Republican parade to Glasnevin cemetery marking the 50th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising took place in Dublin.

On This Day, 24th April

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Screenshot of a web page reading: A Republican parade marking the 50th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising clashed with Gardaí

On 24th April 1966, a Republican parade to Glasnevin cemetery marking the 50th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising took place in Dublin.

The United Irishman, newspaper of Sinn Féin, reported on the Gardaí’s use of batons and a number of arrests in response.

The image features an article from United Irishman headlined: Police Baton Peaceful Parade: Many Injured
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Published 20th April 1985:

"Celebrate May Day!" "Farewell Comrade Enver!"

Voice of Revolution (Marxist-Leninist Weekly), from the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist), leads with May Day rally plans and the death of Albanian leader Enver Hoxha.

Voice of Revolution (Marxist-Leninist Weekly), Vol. 9, No. 13 (1985) — Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)

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17th of April 1966, a huge demonstration took place in West Belfast to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising.

On This Day, 17th April

Irish Left Archive

A screenshot from the Irish Left Archive website, with text reading: On the 17th of April 1966, a huge demonstration took place in West Belfast to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising.

    [O]n 17 April, one of the biggest parades ever witnessed on the Falls took place. Paisley announced he would hold a counter-march from the Shankill to the Cenotaph and the Ulster Hall, this would pass close to where the republican parade was to start. As a result the Stormont government banned a train carrying republican supporters from Dublin, set up stringent border checks on vehicles and further increased the strict security measures placed upon the parade on the Falls Road. … Up to fifty thousand spectators watched, many waving Tricolours, as twenty thousand people paraded to Casement Park. Among those who took part were the Belfast Trades Council, a number of trade unions, the old IRA, the Wolfe Tone Clubs, the Irish National Foresters and the GAA. A small bomb exploded in a telephone box near the Milltown Cemetery, but otherwise the day passed off peacefully.
    Jarman, N. and Bryan, D., 1997. From Riots to Rights: Nationalist Parades in the North of Ireland. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster.

The United Irishman report the following month includes the text of the oration at Casement Park by Seamus Costello:
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New document:

Workers' Party Report, Spring 1987.

From the Workers' Party, published soon after the 1987 Irish general election.

Workers' Party Report, Spring 1987 (1987) — The Workers' Party

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New document:

"Political Status for All Irish Republican Prisoners! Free All Anti-Imperialist political Prisoners!"

A 2013 leaflet from the Irish Republican Prisoners Support Group in London.

Political Status for All Irish Republican Prisoners! Free All Anti-Imperialist political Prisoners! (2013) — Irish Republican Prisoners Support Group

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2nd April 1989, Mikhail Gorbachev visited Ireland and met with the then Taoiseach and Tánaiste, Irish Socialist reported on the event.

On This Day, 2nd April

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Screenshot of a web page, reading: 1989 Mikhail Gorbachev Visited Ireland.  On 2nd April 1989, Mikhail Gorbachev met then Taoiseach and Tánaiste, Charles Haughey and Brian Lenihan, at a stop-over at Shannon airport en route to Cuba. Irish Socialist, newspaper of the Communist Party of Ireland, reported on the event.

A scanned image of an article in Irish Socialist is below the text, with the headline Gorbachev Hits the Right Note. (Full article alt text on the page linked in this post).
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Published 28th March 1991:

"Call of 1916 – Challenge of Today!"

An Phoblacht Republican News, newspaper of Sinn Féin, on the 75th anniversary of the 1916 Rising.

An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 13, Uimh. 13 (1991) — Sinn Féin

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