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Irish Left Archive

Policy documents from the Democratic Socialist Party (DSP), early 1980s.

The DSP was formed in 1982 by a merger of the Socialist Party of Ireland (SPI), Jim Kemmy's Limerick Socialist Organisation and individuals including members of the British & Irish Communist Organisation (BICO).

The DSP was the Left of Labour, and strongly anti-Nationalist. (The constituent groups had previously co-operated in Socialists Against Nationalism).

The party ultimately merged with Labour in 1990.

You can see them in our Timeline of the Irish Left here:

Timeline of the Irish Left

Irish Left Archive

Front cover of DSP Outline Poiicy on Church and State
Front cover of DSP Outline Poiicy on Full Employment
Front cover of DSP Outline Poiicy on Northern Ireland
Front cover of DSP Outline Poiicy on Taxation
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In 1982 the SPI merged with Jim Kemmy's Limerick Socialist Organisation to form the Democratic Socialist Party.

Here are some documents from them in our collection:


Socialist Party of Ireland [1971]

Irish Left Archive

Pamphlet cover reading: The Socialist Party of Ireland - Report of the 1st National Congress - Dublin, 1-2 December 1973
Front cover of SuperSpi magazine