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Irish Left Archive

19th of July 1984, the Dunnes Stores anti-apartheid strike began when Mary Manning refused to handle fruit imported from South Africa in protest against apartheid, following a decision taken by IDATU members the previous day.

On This Day, 19th July

Irish Left Archive

Call for boycott of fruit from South Africa, from the Workers Party's Ireland magazine, 1983.
ICTU  backs Dunnes Workers

In a recent statement, the Executive Council of Congress expressed serious concern at the continuance of the dispute at Dunnes Stores in Henry Street, Dublin, following the refusal of certain staff employed there to handle South African produce. The dispute has now lasted over 34 weeks during which time a small group of young workers have shown a persistance and determination that has won them admiration here and abroad. Their stand on an important moral issue has been commended by politicians of all parties, churchmen and distinguished leaders of our community, and by a number of international figures.