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Published #OnThisDay 21st July 1975:
"The Need to End the Feud Between 'Officials' and IRSP", An Interview with Seamus Costello.
By Gerry Foley in Intercontinental Press, magazine of the Fourth International.
#OTD #IntercontinentalPress #FourthInternational #USFI #IRSP #OfficialSinnFéin #SeamusCostello
The Need to End the Feud Between 'Officials' and IRSP (1975) — Gerry Foley
Irish Left Archive[>
"The Prospects Before Us"
A 1978 pamphlet by Rayner Lysaght of the Revolutionary Marxist Group (RMG) setting out their political position and analysing Republicanism and Irish politics.
#IrishLeftArchive #Trotskyism #RevolutionaryMarxistGroup #FourthInternational #USFI
The Prospects Before Us (1978) — Revolutionary Marxist Group
Irish Left Archive[>