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Election leaflet and sample ballot from the 2022 Northern Ireland Assembly elections, for Jemma Dolan of Sinn Féin, running in Fermanagh / South Tyrone.
#Ireland #NorthernIreland #Politics #NIAssembly #Elections #SinnFéin #AE2022
Sinn Féin: Jemma Dolan 1 (2022) — Sinn Féin
Irish Left Archive[>
"The votes are counted"
Starry Plough, magazine of the Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP), on the NI Assembly election which took place #OnThisDay 7th March 2007.
#IrishLeftArchive #IrishRepublicanSocialistParty #IRSP #NIAssembly #IrishElections #IrishPolitics #OTD
View Document: Starry Plough, Easter 2007 - Irish Republican Socialist Party
Irish Left Archive[>